A new window will open. Make sure that the Original Prusa CW1 is selected. Then click Open File
and select the unpacked Jle from step 1.
Click Flash! and wait until the process is Jnished.
Disconnect the microUSK cable and restart the CW1.
10 Troubleshooting
10.1 The liquid container is inserted, but the Washing mode is not available
Make sure the liquid container is inserted correctly. It should sit on top of the two guiding rails
and it should be as close to the back plate of the CW1 as possible. …ou can check the proximity
sensor’s functionality by covering it with your Jnger. If the on-screen option changes from Start
Drying/Curing to Start Washing, then it works correctly. If it doesn’t, please contact tech support
or refer to the Helpdocs section at help.prusa3d.com.
10.2 Cured prints have white residue on the surface
This happens when you start curing a model that still has a combination of liquid resin and isopropyl
alcohol on its surface. Apply warm water onto the object and rub the excess material oN. …ou can
also use a small brush. To prevent residue from accumulating, you can wash the object in water
AFTER you wash it in isopropyl alcohol.