induction heating
Induction Heater JH400
The alarm indicators inform the user that
something is wrong with the heater . The alarm
indicators are marked with red LEDs .
Over temperature
The red LED “Over temperature” is lighted if
the electronics gets overheated . The heater
will not function when this indicator is lighted .
The light will go out when the temperature is
below limit .
Water flow
The red LED “Water flow” is lighted if the
cooling water is not flowing correctly, that is if
the water pressure is too high or to low . The
heater will not function when this indicator is
lighted .
General electronic alarm
If both LEDs flashes simultaneously, in most
cases the alarm is reset by release and again
press the trigger . In some cases you need to
restart the machine completely by unplugging
the main supply for at least 10 sec .
Alarm indicators
electronic alarm
Water flow