induction heating
Induction Heater JH400
Safety devices
When the heater is used frequently, the
inductor, the cables, the electronics and
the power transformer become very hot . To
prevent the heater from malfunctioning due to
overheating, it is continuously cooled during
operation . The heater is being permanently
cooled by water running through the inductor .
The water starts flowing when the trigger is
activated, and it continues flowing about 10
seconds after the trigger has been released . A
sensor detects the water flow and switches off
the heater if the water flow is blocked.
JH400 is connected to earth . There is a
residual current breaker operator (RCBO)
which is built into JH400 . There is also a fuse
and if the power exceeds 16 A, the fuse will
switch of the heater .
JH400 also has an over temperature
protection which switches of the heater if it
gets overheated .
The inductor handle is insulated to protect
the user from electrical chocks . The inductor
handle has also a bulge on the end of the
handle to prevent the user’s hand from sliding
down onto the hot inductor .