070.620-IOM (DEC 12)
Page 60
MSS, 17,18
MSV, 17
MSV solenoid, 18
nitrogen charge, 9
main oil filter, 24
oil, 5
oilcharging valve, 26
Oilentrained refrigerant, 26
Oil Charge, 9
oil charge reser voir, 17
oil cooler, 10,16
oil filters, 23
oil filter cartridges, 25
oil foaming, 9,24,25,31
oil heaters, 9,14
oil leakage, 9,24,31
oil level cutout, 9,24,25,31
Oil Level Transmitter
Replacement, 35
Troubleshooting, 35
Din Plug, 35
oil manifold, 18,21
oil pressure loss, 9,31
Oil Pump Coupling, 9
oil pump starter, 14
oil sampling valve, 31
oil seal, 16
oil separator, 13
oil strainer elements, 25
Oil temperature, 10
operating level, 9
Operating Log Sheet, 51
operating volume ratio, 18
Optical Isolation, 50
outlet pressure regulator, 12
overpressurizing, 12
Packaged Refrigerant Recirculation unit,
package vibration, 6
partial load, 12
pH, 11
P & I Diagram, 45
pipe hangers, 5
pistontype check valves, 12
plate and shell oil cooler, 10
plate and shell type thermosyphon oil
cooler, 10
PointToPoint Wiring Diagram, 14
port pressure, 12
power feed, 48
power fluctuations, 15
premature bearing failure, 23
PressureRegulating Valve, 21
proportional band, 17
pumpout connection, 21
purge valve, 24
PVC conduit, 48
Quantum™HD, 3,13,23,50
reboot, 50
receiver, 10,11
refrigerant charge, 5
refrigerant isolation valves, 10
refrigerant vapor, 25
refrigeration oil, 24
regulating control transformer, 14
roller bearings, 16
Rotary Screw Compressor, 5
rotor contact, 16
safety valve, 10
Sales Order Numbers, 3
SC2, 18
scaling, 11
separator, 9,25
serial number, 4
service valves, 25
setpoint, 13,17
severe water conditions, 11
SGC Compressor
compressor drive shaft, 16
angularcontact ball bearings, 16
axial loads, 16
axial load bearings, 16
balance pistons, 16
helical rotors, 16
infinitely variable volume ratio, 16
movable slide valve, 16
roller bearings, 16
rotor contact, 16
Shaft rotation, 16
SingleActing Mode, 17
slide valve, 16
Suction flange, 16
suction port, 16
Volumizer, 16
SGC compressor, 17
Shaft rotation, 16
shunting device, 14
Shutdown, 39
shutdowns, 23
shutdown cycles, 9
sight glass, 9,17,26
singlebox control, 13
singleport liquid injection, 18
Skip frequencies, 22
slide stop, 16
slide stop piston, 18
slide valve, 13,16,17
slide valve position, 21
slugging, 23
Sola® constant voltage (CV) trans
former, 13
solenoid, 13,25
solenoid valve, 17,18,21
solidstate, 13
spacer, 6
spring isolators, 5
Star Networks, 50
Starter Operating Log Sheet, 56
CoolWare™, 22
discharge temperature, 22
hand expansion valve, 22
initial startup, 22
manway bolts, 22
prestart checklist, 22
startup, 9
theoretical discharge temperature, 22
water control valve, 22
starter coil, 14
starter package, 14
Starter Wiring Diagram, 13
stop valve, 25
strainer, 11,12,25
strainer basket, 25
strainer cover, 24,25
strainer elements, 26
strainer inlet service valve, 24
subcooled liquid, 12
subcooling, 12
suction accumulators, 23
suction bypass, 13
suction check valve, 21
suction check valve bypass line, 12
Suction flange, 16
suction port, 16
suction pressure, 12
suction strainer, 23
suction trap, 24
superheat, 23
superheating, 16
Surge suppression, 50
TCV, 18
tempera ture control valve, 18
Temperature Sensor
Replacement, 35
DIN connector plug, 35
thermal well, 35
transmitter unit, 35
Troubleshooting, 35
digital board #1, 35
temperature sensor, 18
thermosyphon, 10,16
thermosyphon oil cooling, 10
Thermosyphon Oil Cooling
condenser inlet, 10
condensing pressure, 10
condensing temperature, 10
operating level, 9
plate and shell oil cooler, 10
receiver, 10,11
thermostatically controlled mixing
valve, 10