Titanium Cannulated Tibial Nail Expert Nailing System Surgical Technique DePuy Synthes Trauma 41
end caP InSertIon
Insert end cap
cannulated Stardrive Screwdriver, t40
3.2 mm guide Wire, 400 mm
all titanium end caps for the tibial nail–ex are available
in extension lengths of 0 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, and 15 mm.
they prevent bone ingrowth into the nail and they extend
the nail height if it is overinserted.
the gold end caps lock the proximal oblique screw providing
a stable fixed-angle construct.
the gray end caps have a lead-in design for easier end
cap insertion. these are only used for standard transverse
proximal locking. the two proximal oblique locking holes
cannot be used in conjunction with the gray end caps.
the end caps are cannulated for use over a guide wire,
if necessary.
remove the nail insertion instruments.
optionally, to aid in end cap insertion, remove the connecting
screw only. the insertion handle can remain to help align the
end cap to the top of the nail. the end cap fits through the
barrel of the insertion handle.
The leg should be positioned in flexion to facilitate
end cap insertion.