Cruisecontrol GC55 Installation manual
Wiring harness connections
Undo the negative battery terminal before working on the vehicle.
Loss of volatile data is possible (audio, board computer, clock, etcetera).
Always use a multimeter when measuring on the vehicle.
Cut wires to size, keep them as short as possible.
Connect the universal wiring harness as follows:
connect to an ignition switched feed (+15), preferably directly after the
ignition switch;
Insert the fuse in the fuse holder of the orange wire
For many European car-makes it is possible to connect the orange wire to
the feed wire of the brake lights (along with the brown/white wire).
This is only possible in case the brake lights only operate when the
ignition is switched ON.
green wire
connect to a solid ground;
brown wire
connect to the wire that is connected to ground via the brake
lights, this becomes 12V when the brake pedal is depressed.
In case a relay is used in the brake light system, connect to the wire
that is connected to the brake lights directly;
white wire
connect to the fused feed wire of the brake lights, before the
brake light switch;
violet wire
connect to the wire of the original clutch switch that switched to or
away from ground when depressing the clutch pedal
connect to one of the two wires of the optional clutch switch and
connect the other wire of the optional clutch switch to ground;
yellow wire
do not use. Cut off at 10 cm from the connector and insulate, unless
indicated otherwise;