the application is contacting the remote
once you are connected, the ‘sr remote’ option and all its options can be
the remote is connected and the functions are available
You can carry out the following options:
• Analyse Original: An analysis is made of the original control, showing
information like serial numbers, positions of switches or other parameters
and that allows making a final copy of the analysis if needed.
• Guided Copy: The original remote is copied on the SR remote by fo-
llowing the messages that appear intuitively on the screen.
• Read Remote: This option enables you to read the type of code stored on
each of the sr remote buttons. When the reading is finished, it gives you
the option of saving the code.
• SW Compatible: Allows you to copy a remote with a DIP-Switch on a
sr remote with modifiable switches or with no switches by generating a
compatible copy that’s identical to the original.
• Generate Remote: You can generate a rolling code or fixed code remote
without needing the original. a new remote is generated by entering the
right data or loading a code that was saved previously.
• FAAC screens: This option is important when you have tried to copy a
slave faac onto a sr. as the original remote is a slave, it cannot send
the activation screen, which is only available from master remotes, so
the screens are saved on the sr as information, although it has not been
possible to make a copy. this option reads the screens to send them to al-
tuna and generate a master screen that will enable you to make copies.
• Delete Remote: This option deletes the codes saved on the remote
5.2.3 guided duPlication
this option allows you to copy a rolling code or fixed code remote intui-
tively and in a guided manner, without having a detailed knowledge of
remote technology.
When you press this option, the following window opens:
to initiate the copy process, press the ‘start’ button. the remote’s red led will
start to flash and will display the following message.
When the led stops flashing, the application will ask you to select a channel
from 1 to 4, where you wish to save the code it has read from the original.
Press the button for the desired channel.
then place the original remote and blank remote face to face and press the
button of the original remote until the led on the sr reacts.