5.2.10 faac screens
this option is a specific function for copying faac slH remotes. faac
remotes can be master and slave remotes. to copy a faac remote, you
need to transfer the seed code from the master remote to the duplicate
concerned. in general, clients only have a slave faac from which they
wish to make the copy, however these faac remotes are not capable of
transmitting the seed code, making it impossible to copy.
for sr remotes, you need to copy each faac remote button separately,
even though it’s a rolling code. in addition, 4 readings and a final reading of
the seed code need to be performed for each button. When there is no seed
code, the sr remote cannot complete the duplication, although it saves the
four screens read for each button in the memory.
these four sections can be read using this option in the application and
sent to altuna. at altuna, these four screens per button are used to
obtain the seed codes belonging to each button. once these have been ob-
tained, they are sent to the client so that they can use the generate rolling
option to create a faac remote using the seed option from altuna. the
remote generated by the client is a master remote and they can then use it
to generate as many remotes as they wish from this master.
as it takes time for altuna to obtain the seed codes and numerous
clients may request this service, we recommend saving the master remotes
generated and creating a copy to give to the client. in this way, when you
need to produce a new copy of the same installation, altuna clients will
already have a master remote that they can copy, without having to send
the screens for analysis.
the window for reading these screens is the following:
Press the ‘read faac screens’ button to read the screens stored in the sr.
You can see how they tried to copy a faac code on button 1, but not on the other
then press the ‘create screens file’ button to generate a text file to send to
altuna for analysis.
5.2.11 codes saved
tas explained above, the application has an option for saving and loading codes
registered in a database.
this option allows you to search codes using various criteria, such as date, code
type, client, installation, frequency or remote.
When you use this option, the following window opens.
as you can see, this option can be used without needing to connect an sr remote.
Press the ‘search’ button without specifying any criteria to see all of the codes
stored in the database.
When you select the desired entry, you can load the code or delete the entry so
long as a remote is connected.