g. delete the default driver
h.“rmmod ftdi_sio”
i. install the new driver
j. “insmod ftdi_sio.o”
2. install the most up to date ftdi_sio linux version for your operating
a. /sbin/modprobe -v ftdi_sio
if there are communication problems, try some of the following solutions:
When connecting the usB, check whether it has been properly set up with
the following instructions:
lsusb - > see usB devices
cat /proc/tty/driver/usbBerial -> see usb serial devices loaded
You can also install the rxtx libraries from the following repositories:
apt-get install librxtx-java -> install the librxtx and rXtXcomm.jar libraries
the libraries will be saved at the following paths:
librxtx -> /usr/lib/jni/librxtxserial.so
rXtXcomm -> /usr/share/java/rXtXcomm.jar
it’s a good idea to delete the visual impairment module as it can interfere
with the serial usb
apt-get remove blrtty -> visual impairment module that creates conflicts
with the serial usb
give usB permissions to all users:
create a line for kernel=“ttyusB=“ .....Mode=0666 and copy it to /etc/
once the application has been installed, execute the clienterollProx.
jar file in Windows or Mac or the clienterollProx.bat in linux and the
following window will open.
start screen
the usB licenses supplied are disabled and you need to register to
activate them. You can register online or manually. if you select the online
option, a form will open for completion and sending and in a few seconds
the dongle will be activated.
5.2.1 activation
if you register manually, you must enter the authorization number provided
by alejandro altuna. to obtain this number, call alejandro altuna and
provide the registration information.
online activation form
Manual activation
once the dongle has been activated, the window displayed will allow you
to activate the ‘connection’ and ‘saved codes’ options in the menu.
the ‘saved codes’ option allows you to consult the saved codes and load
them when a sr remote is connected.
5.2.2 connection
to connect the remote using the application, you must follow these steps:
1. connect the cable to the computer’s usB port and the 6-pin cable with
the PcB drawing to the top.
2. simultaneously press buttons 3 and 4 on the remote until the red led
flashes and release both buttons.
3.Press the connect button in the application.