the sr remote can be connected to a Pc using a special 6-pin cable on
one end and a usB connection at the other. this cable can be exclusive to
the Pc connection or integrated along with the frequency metre.
in both cases, the usB cable must be connected to the Pc and the 6 pin
cable connected to the remote, as shown in the diagram.
Pc operation requires a java application that will help produce the copies
in a guided manner and will use additional options such as code saving,
generating copies without the original or reading faac slave screens.
Before installing the application, check that java is installed and if not,
download it directly from the following link:
this application is compatible with Windows, Mac os or linux operating
systems with 32 or 64 bits. to use it, copy the exe file and the relevant
libraries depending on your operating system.
the relevant communications drivers must also be installed in accordance
with the operating system.
5.1.1 WindoWs installation:
the clienterollfixWindows folder contains the following information:
first execute the driver installers. the following screen will appear
indicating: “installing driver...” and “ftdi cdM driver installation process
completed” when the driver has been installed.
next connect the dongle and wait for the drivers to be automatically
installed in your system. You will see an icon in the lower right section of
the new device while it is installing.
finally, ensure that the jsdX.dll and rxtxserial.dll libraries are appropriate
for your operating system. two files for 32 or 64 bit systems are found in
the Windows libraries file. only copy the right files into the main folder.
When you have finished this installation you can execute the ‘clienteroll-
fixProx.jar’ programme. if the application asks which programme you want
to use to open it (with java installed) use the jarfix.exe programme (in the
clienterollfixWindows folder) to simply connect the .jar extension to java.
Mac installation
You will find the following files in the clienterollProxMac folder as well as
a libraries file with the necessary files for operating systems functioning at
32 or 64 bits.
like Windows, you need to install the communication drivers. You will find
the ftdiusBserialdriver_v2_2_17.dmg folder in the corresponding x86 or
x64 folder. execute it to install the corresponding drivers.
then copy the librxtxserial.jnilib and librxtxserial.jnilib libraries into the
applications folder.
finally copy the libsdx.dylib folder into the /use/local/lib directory. if the /lib
file does not exist inside /local, create it.
for correct usB communication folder/var/lock must exist and be accessible
by the user. otherwise you will receive the error “comPortinuse”. if it does
not exist or does not have the correct permissions perform the following
create the folder/var/lock if it is not created: # sudo mkdir/var/lock
give permissions to this folder: # chmod 777/var/lock
once these operations have been carried out you can launch the application
by double clicking on the clienterollfixProx.jar file.
5.1.3 linuX installation
You will find the following files in the clienterollProxMac folder as well as
a libraries file with the necessary files for operating systems functioning at
32 or 64 bits.
installation may vary depending on the operating system, be it ubuntu,
debian, solaris, red Hat, etc.
the latest versions of these operating systems include the ftdi_sio library
belonging to the ftdi chip communications model for virtual coM ports. it is
therefore enough to simply copy the libjsdX.so and librxtxserial.so libraries
into the applications folder. once this is carried out, simply execute the
clienterollProx.bat file.
for other versions, you may need to install the ftdi_sio manually. there are
two ways of doing so.
1. install the ftdi_sio.tar.gz file from the relevant x86 or x64 folder. follow
these steps to do so:
a. create a temporary folder in the system
b. extract the ftdi_sio.tar.gz files to the temporary folder
i. “gunzip ftdi_sio.tar.gz”
ii. “tar -xvf ftdi_sio.tar”
c. compile the driver driver
i. “make”
d. connect the ftdi device
e. check whether the driver is loaded by default
f. “lsmod” – will show the loaded ftdi_io driver
driver installers
application execu-
library for the
adequate dongle
adequate communi-
cations library
communications driver (not
executable folder
dogle librarya
communication library