The following setup instructions are
applicable when the Light Tower is
towed into position. When the machine
is transported by truck and then
forklifted into position, ensure that the
retractable drawbar is extended and
pinned prior to setup and raising the
mast. Failure to do so may affect the
stability of the machine under some
operating conditions. The front
outrigger leg may then be lowered to
support the front of the machine and
the transport leg raised and pinned in
the upper position. Do not use the
transport leg to support the machine
when raising the mast.
Machine Setup Instructions
1. Select a flat level area to park the
2. Ensure parking brake is applied
prior to unhitching unit, removing
safety chain and electrical cable.
3. Lower the front outrigger jack to
take the weight of the unit. Raise
unit until it unhitches from the
towing vehicle. Drive the towing
vehicle forward clear of the draw
4. Lower the front outrigger jack down
until the draw bar is sloping forward
5. At the rear of the unit, locate and
slide out the left outrigger arm and
lock pin into position. Rotate the
jack from the stowed position
through 180
until the foot is just
above the ground. Turn the jack
handle to lower the foot against the
6. Repeat step 5 for the right hand
outrigger arm and jack.
7. Raise the front of the machine by
adjusting the front outrigger jack
until the machine is level and each
outrigger support jack is pressing
firmly against the ground. Located
behind the flip up number plate is a
fourth outrigger leg. Release the
remote locking pin and flip up the
number plate. Withdraw the
outrigger leg outwards to the locked
position approx. 0.7 metre. Rotate
the outrigger leg through 90
degrees and adjust by turning the
handle clockwise until the leg is in
firm contact with the ground.
(Approx. 2 turns after contact). Do
not attempt to jack up the machine
by overextending.
It is not necessary to raise the
wheels of the machine off the
ground when lowering the
outrigger jacks. When set up
correctly the wheels may still be in
firm contact with the ground. If the
surface is uneven though, one
wheel may need to be raised off
the ground to level the machine.
A bubble level is provided on the
front of the machine to assist in
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