Page 15 • JL Audio, Inc., 2013
M I D / H I G H F R E Q U E N C Y D R I V E R F I T M E N T
A variety of JL Audio coaxial and component systems will fit in the factory speaker locations of you vehicle.
Rear Speaker Size / Location: 5”x 7” / 6”x 8”- Rear Door
Fits JL Audio Models: TR570-CXi, C2-570x, C3-570, C5-570, C5-570x & ZR570-CSi
All specifications are subject to change without notice. “JL Audio®” and the JL Audio logo, “Stealthbox” and the Stealthbox logo are registered
trademarks of JL Audio, Inc.,. “Ahead of the Curve” and its respective logo is a trademark of JL Audio, Inc.,.
JLA-SKU# 94550, 94551 03.20.2013 • Printed in USA • ©2011 JL Audio, Inc.,. • U.S. PATENTS: #5,734,734 #5,949,898 #6,118,884 #6,229,902
#6,243,479 #6,294,959 #6,501,844 #6,496,590 #6,441,685 #5,687,247 #6,219,431 #6,625,292 #D472,891 #D480,709 Other U.S. & Foreign
patents pending. For more detailed information please visit us online at
(954) 443-1100
w w w. j l a u d i o . c o m
1 0 3 6 9 N O R T H C O M M E R C E P A R K W A Y • M I R A M A R , F L O R I D A • 3 3 0 2 5 • U S A
S T E P 9 0
Fold the carpeted flap back down to conceal the screw, and
fold the seat back down.
S T E P 8 9
Secure the Trim Panel to the Stealthbox® with a #8 x 1” Self
Tap Screw.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
You have completed the installation for this model. Enjoy your new StealthMod® System!