June 2021
When not in use, the Rotomag X22 should be cleaned (to remove any
debris, deposits, or contaminants that could impede rotation) and sprayed
with water dispersing lubricant (like WD-40) for storage until next use.
See YouTube for videos showing the RotoMag X22.
1. Remove the Rotomag X22 from the rigid lance or hose using open-
ended or adjustable wrench on both lance/hose connection and
Rotomag X22 body (4) and turning counter-clockwise.
2. Remove set screw (8) from tow ring (7) using 3/32” hex key.
3. Insert a 1/4” hex key through the back of the body (4) into the rear
of the mandrel (3a).
4. Hold the hex key stationary while unscrewing tow ring (7).
5. Remove tow ring (7) and thrust bearing (3d) beneath.
6. Slide the rotor (5) off the mandrel (3a).
7. If a new mandrel o-ring (3e) is needed, carefully remove the old
o-ring using a hook pick.
8. Remove the mandrel (3a) from the body (4) by pushing the mandrel
(3a) towards the inlet connection.
9. To remove the bushing (3c) from the rotor (5), use the mandrel (3a)
as a pusher tool and place the o-ring end of mandrel (3a) inside the
front of the rotor (5) against the bushing end and push bushing (3c)
out of rotor (5).
10. If new bushing o-rings (3f, 3g) are needed, carefully remove the old
o-rings using a hook pick.
11. Remove nozzles if they need to be replaced.
12. Shroud (2) does not need to be removed during rebuild. In the event
it needs to be replaced, shroud (2) can be detached by removing
retaining ring (1) from groove on body (54452) and sliding shroud
(2) off of body (4).
13. Clean and inspect all parts being reused.