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U Series User Manual
Enter the Job name, select the Local path, and enter the folder.
Select the Backup type, Upload or Download, enter the Access key, Private Key and the
Bucket/Folder for Amazon S3 settings. Check the box when you need to delete extra files in
the destination folder.
Click OK button to create a task.
The Replication tab is used to setup the replication service. It support local cloning and
remote replication to other JetStor Unified Storage arrays.
There is no limit to the number of how many local cloning and remote replication tasks can
be created. If you experience slow system performance, please reduce the replication tasks.
1 to Many replication tasks is not supported. The same replication source cannot coexist in
different tasks.
Functions in the right click menu:
Add: Add a replication task.
Delete: Delete the task.
Start: Start the task.
Stop: Stop the task.
Schedule: Schedule the task.