At this stage the damper can be closed down to a suitable position
(refer point 1). When further refuelling is required, ensure that the fan is
switched on and the damper opened.
If overnight burning is required ensure that the grate is fully fuelled and that
the fan is switched off. In the morning, start the fan, and when the fire is
burning brightly, slowly add new fuel.
NOTE: Use only dry logs.
(b) Logpan models (for woodburning only):
Ensure that the logpan is right back against the backplate.
To lay the fire, crumple sheets of dry newspaper, place dry split wood criss-
cross on top of the paper, leaving plenty of air space between the pieces.
NOTE: A firestarter may be used in place of the above procedure.
Before lighting, open damper fully (refer point 1).
Light the paper or firestarter.
When the wood is burning well, close down the damper to a suitable position
(refer point 1). When further refuelling is required it may be
necessary to open the damper.
IMPORTANT: Ash must be allowed to build up in the logpan to promote good
burning and efficiency. Removal of some of the ash is only necessary when
spillage occurs. This will depend on the extent of usage of the fireplace but should
not be more often than approximately every six weeks.
NOTE: Use dry logs only.
(c) Basket grate and ashpan models:
Operation is the same as logpan models above, except that the ash need be
removed as necessary by sliding out the ashpan from under the grate for
ash disposal. Allowing the ash to build up into the grate will cause the
bottom of the grate to disintegrate over a period of time.
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