Food Source
Asparagus, peas, spinach, broccoli, corn, kale and
summer/winter squash, potatoes, carrots, onion,
green peppers
Folate and folic acid are both forms of B9. Folate
occurs naturally in fresh foods, whereas folic acid is
the synthetic form found in supplements. Your body
needs folate to produce red blood cells, as well
as components of the nervous system. It helps in the
formation and creation of DNA and maintaining
normal brain function, and is a critical part of spinal
fluid. It has also been effective by up to fifty to
seventy percent in stopping neural tube defective
troubles in pregnancies. Folic acid is very important
for pregnant women for the proper development
of the embryo. That is why it is important for a
woman to have enough folate/folic acid in her body
both before and during pregnancy.
Food Source
spinach, beet, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage,
asparagus, oranges and peaches
Like the other B vitamins, vitamin B12 is important
for metabolism. It helps in the formation of red blood
cells and in the maintenance of the central nervous
system. Vitamin B12 is the one vitamin that is
available only from animal flesh foods and dairy
Food Source
Blackberries, Bananas, Apple, Kiwi, green leaves
Prevents troubles with red blood cells, Like vitamin
C, vitamin E plays a significant role as an
antioxidant, thereby protecting body tissue from the
damage of oxidation. It is important in the formation
of red blood cells and the use of vitamin K.
Food Source
kale, parsley, collard leaves, turnip
greens, green pepper, broccoli, brussel
sprouts, mustard greens, watercress,
spinach, grapefruit, asparagus, dandelion
greens, limes and beet greens
Vitamin C is one of the most important of
all vitamins. It plays a significant role as
an antioxidant, thereby protecting body
tissue from the damage of oxidation.
Antioxidants act to protect your cells
against the effects of free radicals, which
are potentially damaging by-products of
the body’s metabolism. Free radicals can
cause cell damage that may contribute to
the development of cardiovascular
disease and cancer. Vitamin C has also
been found by scientists to be an effective
antiviral agent. Good for gums, teeth and
Food Source
mushrooms and sunshine!
Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine
vitamin” since it is manufactured by the
body after being exposed to sunshine. Ten
to fifteen minutes of good sunshine three
times weekly is adequate to produce the
body’s requirement of vitamin D. This
means that we do not need to obtain
Vitamin D from our diet unless we get very
little sunlight – usually not a problem for
children. Vitamin D is vital to the human
body as it promotes absorption of calcium
and magnesium, which are essential for
the normal development of healthy teeth
and bones. It also helps maintain
adequate levels of calcium and
phosphorus in the blood.