Chapter 1
Based on the TRIUMPH Chip, DELTA is a fully integrated package ready for your demanding
jobs, offering precise and automatic performance beyond anything that you have experienced so
far (Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1. DELTA Receiver
DELTA can receive and processes multiple signal types (including the latest GPS L2C, GPS L5,
GLONASS C/A L2, and Galileo signals) improving the accuracy and reliability of your
measuring points and positions, especially under difficult jobsite conditions.
The GNSS component of DELTA receivers means you can access the GPS (Global Positioning
System) satellites of the United States, the Galileo (an upcoming global positioning system
maintained and operated by Galileo Industries,) and the GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite
System) satellites of the Russian Federation, increasing the number of satellites your receiver can
detect, thus improving the accuracy of your measuring points, increasing productivity, and
reducing cost.
Several other features provide under-canopy and low signal strength reception. The DELTA
receiver provides the functionality, accuracy, availability, and integrity needed for fast and easy
data collection.