Operation and Maintenance Manual
The following manual is provided to evaluate the operational performance and future maintenance of Janus International
Rolling Sheet door product line. Janus International mandates rolling sheet door product installation by trained rolling door
technicians and future maintenance by experienced/qualified personnel. Specific parts, components, assemblies, etc. that are
determined to be defective, worn, or unsafe by performance evaluations or preventative maintenance programs must result in
rolling sheet door assembly taken out of service. All repairs, part replacements or adjustments must be made by trained rolling
door technicians to place rolling sheet door assembly back into service.
It is
MANDATORY that all
Janus International door
technicians and other technicians, installers and future maintenance staff comply fully with all safety information, procedures,
and instructions contained in this manual.
Failure to do so could result in premature part/component failure resulting in
serious injury or death to others
and, with respect to Janus International door technicians, immediate termination of
Adjustments, part replacement, repairs, etc. must be performed by trained rolling door technician
Rolling Door operation should be easy at/near the open and closed positions. Rolling Door may require more effort to
open through the middle portion of travel.
Rolling Door operation to the open position should result in bottom bar angle resting against head stops and remain in
the open position.
Rolling Door operation should not exceed 35lb. of force for hand chain operation, and 30 lb. for manual operation.
Rolling Door operational balance evaluation:
If door operation is easy to close, but hard to open; spring tension needs to be increased
If door operation is hard to close, but easy to open; spring tension needs to be decreased
Spring tension adjustments must be made by trained rolling door technician. Refer to Rolling Door installation
instructions for tension adjustment procedure.
WARNING: Extreme spring tension can cause serious injury or death
Rolling Door electrical motor operation should be evaluated quarterly.
Prior to Rolling Door electrical motor operation assure that doorway is clear and in full view before and during complete
operation cycle.
UL 325 requires constant pressure to close for doors without sensing edges or photoelectric sensors/eyes.
Sensing devices should be tested at least weekly. Sensing edges should be tested at both ends to evaluate proper
operation. Photoelectric eyes must be tested by breaking beam to evaluate proper operation.
Evaluate operator limit setting at door travel open and closed positions. If operator limit setting has become out of sync
with door open and close positions, refer to operator installation instructions to reset limits to an appropriate setting in
relationship to door open and closed positions.
If at any time during Rolling Door electrical motor operation, motor sounds like it is under excessive load or stress to
open the door:
▲Close door using motor operator. Engage motors manual operation feature to manually operate the door to the
open position.
▲If door operation is heavy, cannot be completely opened or hard to open and will not stay in open position; Spring
Assembly counterbalance evaluation is required, which may require adjustment or replacement.
Spring tension adjustments or repairs must be made by trained rolling door technician. Refer to Rolling
Door installation instructions for tension adjustment procedure.
Determination of counterbalance repair must result in Rolling Door taken out of service until required
repairs are complete.