Possible fault
No display.
Poorly legible display.
No current display.
Current too small.
Current too large.
Voltage L-N too small.
External fuse has tripped.
Internal fuse has tripped.
Device defective.
Contrast setting too dark
or too light.
Measuring voltage not
Current transformer not
Current measurement in
the wrong phase.
Current transformer factor
incorrectly programmed.
Measuring range exceed-
The peak current value
at the measurement input
has been exceeded by
harmonic components.
Measurement in the wrong
Voltage transformer factor
incorrectly programmed.
Replace fuse.
Fuse cannot be replaced by the user.
Send the device to the manufacturer
for repair.
Send the device to the manufacturer
for repair.
Adjust contrast.
Connect measurement voltage.
Connect current transformer.
Check connection and correct if nec-
Read off and program the current
transformer conversion ratio at the
current transformer.
Install larger current transformer.
Attention! It must be ensured that
the measurement inputs are not over-
Check connection and correct if nec-
Read off and program the voltage
transformer conversion ratio at the
voltage transformer. If the voltage is
not measured through a voltage trans-
former, program the voltage trans-
former conversion ratio as 400/400.
Install smaller voltage transformer.
What to do in case of faults
Service and Maintenance