User Manual
Janam Technologies LLC Version 2, April 2020
Email 7—3
General Email settings
In email,
General settings
apply to all of your
email accounts. Most of these settings are self-
explanatory: Archive or delete emails, group
emails in conversations, swipe to delete a mes-
sage, showing sender avatars, setting replying
to all as default (!), auto-fit messages on the
display, confirmations before sending and
deleting messages, etc.
Account-specific email settings
Here you can configure and manage your indi-
vidual email accounts. Note that account-spe-
cific settings and capabilities may be different
for various email servers and services. The ex-
amples shown in the four bottom screen cap-
tures on the right are for a generic POP3
Business email usually benefits from a cus-
tomized signature with name, title, company,
etc. This is where it’s set up.
Data usage
Email practices can affect data usage. This in-
cludes the frequency of syncing (every 15, 30,
60 minutes or never), asking before showing
pictures, etc.
Notification settings
Here you can set whether you want to be noti-
fied if new email arrives. You can choose a spe-
cial ringtone, and whether there should be a
vibrate alert for email.
Server settings
Incoming and outgoing server settings may
change, and this is where it’s done, including
password changes for email.