User Manual (Ver. 1.0) - Table of Contents
GO-5000M-PMCL-1 | GO-5000M-PMCL-EP-1 | GO-5000M-PMCL-UV-1
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1x8-1Y (FVAL, DVAL, V-Offset, Exposure Time)
1x4-1Y (FVAL, DVAL, V-Offset, Exposure Time)
1x3-1Y (FVAL, DVAL, V-Offset, Exposure Time)
1x2-1Y (FVAL, DVAL, V-Offset, Exposure Time)
1x8-1Y (Frame Period, Exposure Time, Exposure End to FVAL Active Start)
1x4-1Y (Frame Period, Exposure Time, Exposure End to FVAL Active Start)
1x3-1Y (Frame Period, Exposure Time, Exposure End to FVAL Active Start)
1x2-1Y (Frame Period, Exposure Time, Exposure End to FVAL Active Start)
ROI (Region of Interest) Settings
RCT Mode Together with ALC Function
Sequence Index Table (Default)