User Manual (Ver. 1.0) - Main Functions
GO-5000M-PMCL-1 | GO-5000M-PMCL-EP-1 | GO-5000M-PMCL-UV-1
- 81 -
RCT Mode
Related Setting Items:
Until the trigger is input, the camera operates continuously and can use auto-gain, if necessary, to
control the exposure setting. During this time, FVAL and LVAL are output but DVAL is not output.
When the trigger is input, the fast dump is activated to read out the electronic charge very quickly, after
which the accumulation and the readout are performed. When the accumulated signal against the
trigger is read out, FVAL, LVAL and DVAL are output too.
Primary settings to use this mode
Trigger Mode: ON
Exposure Mode: Timed
Trigger Option: RCT
Trigger Mode
Readout Mode
Time (Min. Trigger Period)
Reset Continuous Trigger Mode (Note2)
Exposure time + 1.562 ms
ROI Center 2/3
Exposure time + 1.562 ms
ROI Center 1/2
Exposure time + 1.562 ms
ROI Center 1/4
Exposure time + 1.562 ms
ROI Center 1/8
Exposure time + 1.562 ms
V Binning ON (Full)
Exposure time + 1.562 ms
Minimum trigger interval (1X8–1Y)
9L ~ 10L