CM-140 GE / -RA/-UV / CB-140GE/-RA
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11.3. Examples of camera operation
The following descriptions are based on GenICam SFNC 1.3.
11.3.1 Generic cautions for operation
1. The parameters in the gray part of the control tool cannot be changed.
2. If the image size is changed, the acquisition should be stopped and parameters set for
determining the size.
11.3.2 Connection of camera(s)
Connect camera(s) to Network. After establishing the connection, start the control tool.
The model name connected to the Network is displayed with connecting icon.
When this icon is double-clicked, the camera can communicate with the camera control
tool and the icon is changed.
11.3.3 Camera setting level
The setting level has three layers: beginner, expert and guru. Guru level includes the
most sophisticated functions.
11.4. Input and Output settings
11.4.1 Interfacing with external devices
For interfacing with external devices, the relationship between Line in/out (Digital I/O)
and the external terminal is fixed. Please refer to 6.1. GPIO (Inputs and outputs).