Edge Enhancer, Color Enhancer
This camera is equipped with an edge enhancer function for enhancing the contrast of
lines or edges within images and a color enhancer function for enhancing specified colors.
Edge enhancer function
The edge enhancer function is enabled when EnhancerEnable[Edge] is set to True.
Four enhancement levels are available: Low, Middle, High, and Strong.
Color enhancer function
The color enhancer function is enabled when EnhancerEnable[Color] is set to True.
Set a value from 0 to 1 (0.1 steps) for ColorEnhancerValue[ColorEnhancerSelector] to set
the enhancement to one of ten levels.
(0: no enhancement; 1: approx. x2 the color level of the original data)
Six colors can be specified in ColorEnhancerSelector: Red, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Blue,
and Yellow.
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