Establish a sani zer reading no less than 1.0 ppm free chlorine or 2.0 ppm bromine, then
allow the swim spa to set undisturbed for 8 hours. Retest water a er 8 hours to deter-
mine if sani zer levels are stable. If sani zer levels are stable, your swim spa is ready for
use. To ensure healthy water condi ons, always maintain a constant sani zer reading
within the levels recommended on the inside cover of this manual. If sani zer levels are
not stable at this me, it will be necessary to repeat this procedure in its en rety un l
stable sani zer readings are achieved.
® water purifica on system is removed from the swim spa or
is not opera ng effec vely follow the “without CLEA
®” chemistry parameters as defined
by the Associa on of Pool and Spa Professionals.
A er adequate sani zer levels are achieved, close all swim spa controls to maximize heat
reten on when the swim spa is not in use.