en-38 MEASURE UNITS MENU _________________________________________________
Select the measure units
and accept
. MEASURE UNITS_______________________________________________________
Select the speed
and accept
Press the button
up and down
to move between mph and kph.
Press the button to return to previous menu
Select the pressure
and accept
Press the button
up and down
to move between psi, bar and KPa.
Press the button to return to previous menu
Select volume
and accept
Press the button
up and down
to move between liter, gal and imperial gal.
Press the button to return to previous menu
Select the temperature
and accept
Press the button
up and down
to move between °C and °F
Press the button to return to previous menu
Select the fuel rate
and accept
Press the button
up and down
to move between liters/hour, gallons/hour and imperial gallons/hour
Press the button to return to previous menu
S e t t i n g s M e n u
M o d e
M e a s u r e U n i t s
M e a s u r e U n i t s S e t t i n g s
S p e e d K m / h
P r e s s u r e K P a
Vo l u m e l i t r e
Te m p e r a t u r e ° C
F u e l r a t e l / h