11.5 NOISE ___________________________________________________________________
When the machine was tested for sound pressure (Operator Ear).
The Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42/EC
Exposure Of Workers To The Risks Arising From Physical Agents (Noise) Directive 2003/10/EC
By compliance to:
The Lawnmower Standard BS EN ISO 5395:2013
Sound Pressure Standard EN ISO 3746: 2010
ROPS machine: Measured Sound Pressure 85 dB(A) ± 0.71 LWA
Cab machine: Measured Sound Pressure 86 dB(A) ± 0.71 LWA
(Worst case - Windows Open, Decks On)
When the machine was tested for sound power (Noise in the Environment).
The Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42/EC
Noise Emission In The Environment By Equipment For Use Outdoors
Directive 2000/14/EC
By compliance to:
Sound Power Standard EN ISO 3744:2010
ROPS machine: Measured Sound Power 103 dB(A) ± 0.71 LWA
Cab machine: Measured Sound Power 104 dB(A) ± 0.71 LWA
11.6 SLOPES _________________________________________________________________
DO NOT USE ON SLOPES GREATER THAN 19° when ROPS is fitted and 17° when cab is fitted. The slope was
calculated using static stability measurements according to the requirements of BS EN ISO 5395:2013
11.7 CUTTING PERFORMANCE __________________________________________________
4.87m (16ft) width of cut:
5.36 hectares/hr. At 12 kph.
13.23 acres / at 7.5mph
(10% allowance is included for normal overlaps and turning at the end of each cut).