SCSI (Sma ll Computer System Interfa ce) is one of the sta nda rd interface
controller. The higher level syetm a lwa ys control most its periphera ls in one
singles controller like HDD, CD-ROM, Sca nner, Ta pe Drive, CD-R…etc.
For using the Multi-Ta sking Protocol ca n drive severa l devices to work in
the sa me time a nd this ca n increa se the periphera ls performa nce. Devices
not in the sa me speed ca n be connected together a nd this will not postpone
system overa ll performa nce, even more devices tha t connect to the same
controller will perform better.
is a Ultra Wide SCSI a nd use the 16 bit Bus, this ca n connect
the ma ximum 15 devices. And perform the 40MB/Sec tra nsfer speed by this
Ultra Wide SCSI.
Like every house got its own a ddress number, the SCSI Controller/
Periphera ls a lso got their own IRQ a nd SCSI ID numbers. This onboard
SCSI controller defa ult is using IRQ11 a nd ID7. Others SCSI devices a lso
got their own ID number. The lower ID will be get higher precedentia l, the
boota ble SCSI HDD norma lly set to ID0.
SCSI Bus is a series/ non-stop a nd ca bled together. And they use
Termina tors in both ends. So remove a wa y a ll termina tors tha t between the
two ends.(reference to ea ch devices opera tion ma nua l for deta il)
Ca re must ta ken for the termina tors a nd ea ch devices ID number.
3.5.1 Ultra Wide SCSI Connector
W. SCSI is a 68 pins 16 bit Ultra Wide SCSI connector. It a tta ches the
SCSI ca ble(s) from the controller to the SCSI periphera ls. The externa l
Wide SCSI port expa nsion kit is a n optiona l for your connecting externa l
devices. Be-sure the ca ble's colored side should a lign to pin #1 of this
3.5.2 Ultra SCSI Connector
U. SCSI is a 50 pins 16 bit Ultra SCSI connector. It a tta ches the SCSI
ca ble(s) from the PIINS SCSI controller to the SCSI periphera ls. The
externa l SCSI port expa nsion kit is a optiona l for your connecting externa l