5201335 REV A
– Before switching on power; ensure that units are properly grounded
and that static eliminator is properly installed.
Power Supply Indicators
: Lights (green) to indicate power is on and the IQ Power BPS-C Power
Supply is ready to operate.
Bar On
: Lights (green) to indicate when static neutralizing is active.
: Lights (red) to indicate faulty condition of static neutralizer, power supply or
high voltage connections. Power will have to be turned off to clear the fault. When
the fault is cleared and power is restored, the fault light will be extinguished.
Clean Bar
: Lights (yellow) to indicate need to clean static bars. Clean Bar indicator
may light with low ion output (dirt build-up on ion emitters) or high output current
(conductive contamination on face of bar).
: The output indicators range Low, Medium, or High to indicate the system
relative ion output. The output will normally be in the high range. Low output
generally indicates the need to clean the static bar.
: Lights to indicate calibration at the BPS-C is locked out. This occurs
automatically when a Control Station is connected, where calibration is performed
through the Control Station.
Power Supply Operators
: Is a momentary push button switch located on the face label. Pressing
the face label firmly on “Calibrate” initiates calibration sequence and sets relative
nominal ion output for the system.
System Start-up
1. Apply power to, and activate the BPS-C.
2. The power supply indicators will briefly self-test during which all will light.
3. Immediately after self-test, the power supply indicators will settle to display the
system status.
On new systems the Output indicator will settle to display low output, and initial
calibration must be performed.