- Dip-switch 4 OFF
Machine stops and, after 1 hour, the startup is re-initiated
* Signalling: Flashing in LE3
- Dip-switch 4 ON
Only the water inlet valve remains ON till lever sensor detects water. Then
the machine continues operation in the same stage where was stopped. This option could be
usefull in places with a very low water pressure supply.
* Signalling: Alternative flashing LE1+LE2
It is possible to install two modular machines stacked one above the other with the ITV MS
stacking kit (part number 6586).
The switchboard must have a connector permitting to connect the boards of both machines with
a single cable and also a jumper with the indication:
- Closed jumper
upper machine
- Open jumper
lower machine
The lower machine works in the same way as if operating alone.
The upper machine operates normally except when the lower machine is stopped due to full
storage (full), at this moment, the upper machine will also stop and pass over to the same status
When the curtain of the lower machine is closed again, it re-initiates the start-up sequence,
likewise the upper machine, but with a 1’ delay.
Full instructions for stacking are supplied with the kit