To practice Paragliding (PG), and Powered Paragliding (PPG), trai-
ning in a professional certified school, being certified and insured are
preliminary requirements.
You must be able to properly assess the weather conditions prior
each flight. Using a wing adapted to your level is strongly recom-
mended. A thorough Pre-flight check must be performed before
each takeoff.
You are responsible for your own actions and fully understand the
dangers associated with the Paragliding (PG) and Powered Para-
gliding (PPG) activities. The manufacturer and/or retailer cannot be
held responsible in any way, shape or form in case of an accident.
To prolong the lifespan of your glider, it is very important to take a
few precautions.
- Make sure that your wing is completely dry before starting.
- Always stow away your glider inside a bag designed for this purpo-
se: Stuff-sack, Concertina bag, Quickpack, Innerbag…
- Stow away your wing in a dry place away from moisture and any
heat source.
- Do not subject your wing to excess heat (car trunk).
ITV strongly recommends using a accord folding method, so to
keep all the ribs grouped side by side and prevent bending of the
reinforcements (plastic rods).
Using a SMART-PACK ITV makes folding easier.
5 cm
In the accelerated mode, the trailing edge must never be deformed.
LThe toggles are adjusted at the factory for optimal piloting control.
However, if you do not like this setting, you can adjust the brake lines
To adjust the brake lines length, we recommend using a bowline
knot, and limit your modifications to small increments (not more than
Do not reduce. Increase up to 20 cm, always keep a clearance of 5 cm
between the brake and the pulley.
Be sure to always leave a 5 cm gap between the toggles and the pulley
(same for the TST), the profile of the wing should not be deformed and
hinder proper accelerator functionality.