11. Troubleshooting (Cont‘d.)
Red Light Codes
Controller Status
Fault Description.
This information is to be used by professional installers or qualifi ed
Controller Action
personnel only.
2 Blinks
Dry Well
This fault can be caused by:
• Water supply level falls below suction inlet of pump.
• Plugged suction.
• Restriction in pipe between pump and pressure sensor.
• Loss of prime.
In systems where the motor operates at less than Service Factor Amps the
controller may show a false “dry well” fault. Reducing the motor
overload setting will eliminate the false readings.
If problems persists, please verify supply capacity.
The controller will automatically restart according to the chart below.
For example: The 1st fault will clear in 1 minute, the 5th fault will clear
in 5 minutes.
3 Blinks
Sensor Fault
This fault can be caused by:
• Disconnected sensor. Disconnect sensor from sensor cable connector
and reconnect to ensure a good connection.
• Disconnected sensor cable lead inside the controller. Check for loose
wires where the sensor cable connects to the circuit board by tugging
on each wire.
• Broken wire in the sensor cable.
• Miswired sensor cable. Check that the wires are connected to the
correct terminals on the sensor
connector. The correct location of the
wires is indicated on the circuit board.
B=Black, R=Red, W=White.
• Failed sensor. With the sensor cable
connected to the circuit board,
measure the DC voltage between the
black and white wires of the sensor
cable at the sensor connector, as
shown below. The voltage measured
should be between 0.5Vdc and
The controller will
automatically restart
according to the chart
shown on the right if
the “DRY RUN
RESTART” switch is
set to “CONT.”
(Continuous). If the
switch is set to “5X”,
the controller will
restart 5 times. After
the 5th Dry Well Error,
the controller must
be manually reset. If
fault persists contact
Dry Run
Dry Run Restart Time
The controller will
not run if the signal
from the sensor is
disconnected or out of
tolerance. The control-
ler will automatically
restart when the signal
is within tolerance. If
fault persists contact