8. Switch Settings With Power Applied
Setting the Minimum Frequency Switch
The minimum Speed Switch (fi gure 4) is used to set the minimum speed of the motor. This allows the controller to
fi t a wide range of applications. Select a Minimum Speed of 10 Hz if the pressure at the pump’s suction is within
20 PSI of the desired pressure setting. Select a Minimum Speed of 30 Hz if the pressure at the pump’s suction is
more than 20 PSI below the desired pressure setting, such as when pumping from a tank or if drawing a suction
If used with a submersible well pump, minimum speed switch must be set to 30 Hz. Failure to do this
will cause motor thrust bearing to wear prematurely.
Setting the Ramp Setting
The position of the Ramp Setting Switch (fi gure 4) determines how fast the controller can change the speed of the
motor. A Slow Ramp Setting allows the controller to work better in applications where the average demand for
water is low (less than 3 GPM or about 1 faucet). A Fast Ramp Setting allows the controller to work better
in applications where demand for water is high because the motor is allowed to change speed faster.
The Ramp Setting is preset at the factory for the “6 O‘Clock” position which is a half way point
between fast and slow. If “Hunting” or pressure fl uctuation occurs, turn dial to slower setting.
Setting Dry Run Restart Switch
The controller detects when pump has no water or has lost prime. The Dry Run Restart Switch determines how
many times this error can occur in an hour. If set to CONT (continuous), it will always restart. If set to 5X, it will
restart 5 times before it will disable pump and display “No Water/Loss of Prime” error (2 red blinks). “No Water/
Loss of Prime” error can be cleared by removing power from controller for 1 minute.
9. Status Indicator Light
The controller is always powered. A Solid Green Status light indicates that the pump is in standby mode
(pump not running) or that the line input voltage is low.
Status Indicator Light is not a voltage indicator! Always turn off disconnect switch and
circuit breaker and wait 5 minutes before servicing.
Blinking Green
Status light indicates that the pump is running. A
Blinking or Solid Red
Light indicates a
problem with the controller. Refer to label on controller cover or Figure 6 for Status Codes.
See Troubleshooting
Section for more details on fault codes.