6.2.4. Control signals (via remote control)
It is possible to enable / disable basic signalling indicators. By default, those are enabled.
Step 1
Enter in the programming mode
* <Master code> #
Step 2A
Indication sound
70# OFF
71# ON
Step 2B
Led indication
74# OFF
75# ON
Step 3
Exit the programming mode
6.2.5. Cloning of controllers
The controller may be cloned to another CCA controller. The copied data are the configurations of the transmitter controller and
the registered user cards.
Make the following connections:
Apply the following steps to the unit to clone (transmitter):
Step 1
Enter in the programming mode
* <Master code> #
Step 2
Start the transfer
9 6 #
Step 3
Wait until the transmission ends
The green LED blinks
Step 4
Exit the programming mode
Note that:
Both units must have the same master code
A cloning process with 1000 registered users may last up to 3 minutes
Check connections. Avoid short circuits
6.3. Programming via master cards
By using the master cards it is possible to subscribe / unsubscribe user cards, without need to use the remote control.
This method does not allow to delete a user card that has been lost, even knowing its identifier.
6.3.1. Registering master cards
The master cards need also to be paired to the system. Should a second pair of master cards is registered, the first
will be unregistered. The master cards, cannot be programmed via keyboard.