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3.7.7 C
Each PLU recalls a label layout.
There are 26 label layouts and they are named with the uppercase letters (A…Z).
You can see the letter of layout linked to PLU when printer works in main PLU menu.
The display, for instance, will show:
In this example you can see “
AP’ ”; it means that the layout recalled by PLU n° 528 is ‘D’.
Different PLUs can recall and use the same layout.
You can modify manually the link between PLU and layout; this operation must be done when
printer works in main PLU menu.
How to increase linked layout (BKSP + UP arrow key)
Printer must work into main PLU menu.
You can increase the linked layout of one unit at a time (for example from ‘D’ to ‘E’) by keeping
pressed BKSP key and pressing once UP arrow key too; then release them all.
You’ll see on display the new letter of linked layout.
How to decrease linked layout (BKSP + DOWN arrow key)
Printer must work into main PLU menu.
You can decrease the linked layout of one unit at a time (for example from ‘D’ to ‘C’) by keeping
pressed BKSP key and pressing once DOWN arrow key too; then release them all.
You’ll see on display the new letter of linked layout.
Printer doesn’t make any control about the real presence of recalled layouts.
Before changing the link between PLU and recalled layout be sure you have correctly programmed
(by ETIK) new layout.
0528 DAP 7.50
Ham steak