L203 Photometer
Irradian Limited
i) Illuminance
(both models)
Up to 6 full scale decades measuring from:
0 to 1.9999 lux
0 to 19.999 lux
0 to 199.99 lux
0 to 1999.9 lux
0 to 19999 lux
0 to 19999 x 10 lux
Resolution 0,0001 lux on range 1.
Up to 5 full scale decades measuring from:
0 to 1.9999 fc
0 to 19.999 fc
0 to 199.99 fc
0 to 1999.9 fc
0 to 19999 fc
Resolution 0,0001 fc on range 1.
ii) Luminance
(model L203 only)
Up to 6
full scale decades measuring from:
0 to 1.9999 cd.m
with CIE-FOV-112 only
0 to 19.999 cd.m
0 to 199.99 cd.m
0 to 1999.9 cd.m
0 to 19999 cd.m
0 to 19999 x 10 cd.m
Resolution 0,0001 cd.m
on range 1
Resolution 0,001 cd.m
with CIE-FOV-101
Up to 6 full scale decades measuring from:
0 to 1.9999 fL
0 to 19.999 fL
0 to 199.99 fL
0 to 1999.9 fL
0 to 19999 fL
0 to 19999 x 10 fL
Resolution 0,0001 fL on range 1.
Absolute calibration accuracy ± 5% traceable
to NPL standards.
Photopic colour correction integrated error of
± 1% over visible spectrum.