L203 Photometer
Irradian Limited
6) The micro controller will now measure the amplifier offset on each of
the gain ranges and store these values in the non volatile memory. All
subsequent measurements will first have one of these offsets
subtracted before displaying the measurement.
At the end of the nulling sequence the display will show:-
Note if the photometer units are set to fc the display will show
7) Remove the light cover from the detector. The equipment is now ready
for use.
When the light is unstable, press and release the MODE switch. The
photometer will now switch to manual ranging, Manual LED on, if not yet
previously in manual ranging. The Average LED will now switch on, but
the Units LED will remain unchanged.
To start an average sequence press and release the HOLD/RUN switch.
Immediately the display will show a fluctuating signal, reflecting the light
source fluctuations. After a short time the amplitude of the fluctuations
will decrease and the display will begin to show a reading which
represents the average light level during the period of the measurement.
At any time the averaging process can be halted by pressing the
HOLD/RUN button.
At any time the averaging sequence can be reset by pressing and
releasing the FUNCTION RESET switch.
If the light level fluctuations are large and any one reading causes the
detector amplifier to overload at this range the averaging process will be
terminated and the display will show:-
To avoid an overload conditions RESET the photometer and manually
change the RANGE to a lower lever. e.g. from a 34.00 range to 34.0.