L203 Photometer
Irradian Limited
Irradian holds a number of tungsten halogen lamps, photometers and a
silicon photodiodes which are routinely calibrated by the National Physics
Laboratory in the UK.
During manufacture each photopic filter is scanned for the best match to
the CIE response. A graph of the final filter/detector response is
provided. This data is available on request for importing into a
The photometer is calibrated for illuminance using a lamp of colour
temperature 2855K ± 50K and for luminance using a highly uniform
integrating sphere source of colour temperature 2600K ± 50K.
Irradian estimates that the absolute accuracy error in calibration of each
L203 and L203 LUX photometer is ± 5% for a source of illuminant A at
normal incidence. The errors mentioned in Sections 7 and 8, namely
spectral response and cosine angular error, are small for most
As with all measuring equipment a routine calibration is recommended,
typically annually, but with frequent use by a number of different users a
shorter recalibration period may be necessary.
Contact Irradian for any calibration requirements for this product and for
further information.