Ironwood SLR305 | User Manual
8.6 Replace Saw Arbor Motor Belt
Replace the saw arbor motor belt immediately if it shows signs of
wear or appears to be split. Between regular inspections, if you hear
a vibrating sound from the belt, inspect the belt immediately and
replace if necessary.
1. Disconnect the machine from power and tag out.
2. Open the rear motor and belt access doors.
3. Loosen the two hex head screws using an open-ended wrench.
Turn screws clockwise until the old belt can be removed.
4. Install a new belt.
5. Tighten the two hex head screws.
8.7 Feed Chain Cleaning
Sawdust dries up lubricant, so it is critical to remove all sawdust
from every chain block in the feed chain using compressed air. Clean
the feed chain regularly.
6. Open the feed chain safety cover.
7. Check all lubrication inlets. If any are plugged, remove any
sawdust or other material.
8. Blow out the bottom of the chain to free up loose debris.
9. Manually jog the chain to clean each chain section until the
chain is completely clean.
10. Reattach the feed chain safety cover.