SVS II Deluxe Valve Refacer
Copyright © 2018 by Irontite Products Inc.
All Rights Reserved. Rev. 180802
pg. 21
(For Serial No. 4315 and up)
If the spindle slide should need adjustment, start by locating the three socket head set screws at the
rear of the machine just below the slide (See Figure 12).
Disconnect the machine from its power source BEFORE
beginning any adjustments.
1. Position the traverse handle in the vertical position.
All screw adjustments are to begin with the handle in this position.
2. The first adjustment will be to the setscrew nearest the large diameter-grinding wheel. Tighten
this screw until the spindle slide cannot be moved when using the traverse handle.
loosen this screw while attempting to move the traverse handle - stop loosening the
screw when the traverse handle can be cycled through its entire range and a noticeable amount
of smooth drag is achieved.
1. The next adjustment is to the screw nearest the small diameter-grinding wheel. Tighten this
screw until once again the spindle slide cannot be moved with the traverse handle.
2. SLOWLY loosen this setscrew while rocking the traverse handle back and forth - stop when the
slide moves smooth and free, yet drag can be detected.
3. While standing on the operator side, grasp both the large diameter and small diameter grinding
wheel covers and alternatively push/pull on each, checking for any movement of the spindle
slide. If no movement is detected, go to Step 7. If MOVEMENT IS DETECTED, one of the gib
screws is too loose and will cause inaccuracy - repeat Steps 2 through 6.
4. Tighten the screw in the center until the spindle slide cannot be moved - SLOWLY loosen this
screw while rocking the traverse handle side to side. Continue to loosen the screw, stopping
when the amount of drag felt in the center matches that provided by the outer screws.
Figure 12