Wireless Digital Wireless Digital Flat Panel Detector Mars1417X
illustrations, is based on equipment prototype. If configuration of your equipment does not have any
of these items, information about these items in the manual does not apply to your equipment.
2.4. Characteristics
Wireless static Wireless Digital Wireless Digital Flat Panel Detector
14 inch ×17 inch
Removable handle
16-bit AD
2.5 Intended Use
Mars1417X is indicated for digital imaging solutions designed to provide general radiographic
diagnosis for human anatomy including both adult and pediatric patients. It is intended to replace
film/screen systems in all general–purpose diagnostic procedures. The device is not intended for
mammography or dental applications.
Suitable patient
It is suitable for providing digital X-ray imaging for DR system to provide general radiographic
diagnosis for human anatomy including both adult and pediatric patients, but not intended for
mammography or dental applications. The remaining notes depend on the DR system.
User Manual of Mars1417X