4.2.4. System variables
has system variables connected to GSM/GPRS connection state
and power supply. Variables state is reflected by flags that can be used as transmission
triggers or in internal control programs.
FS1_ups = 1
loss of main power source - working on battery
FS1_gprs = 1 informs upon log off from GPRS network
4.3. LED diodes
There are three
placed on
front panel
Their function is explained in chapter LED signaling.
4.4. SIM card
telemetry modules are equipped with standard miniature SIM card holder for
connecting card to GSM modem.
If use of GPRS transmission is intended the SIM card should have GPRS option and
possibility of login to APN for assigning static IP addresses activated. In absence of static IP
address, use of the module for GPRS transmission is impaired (only module can initiate
data transfer).
Proper placement of the SIM card is imperative for module's operation. The module accepts
only SIM cards operating in low potential technology 3,3V.
4.5. Antenna
Attachment of antenna is essential for proper operation of
telemetry module. SMA
socket is placed on module's front panel. The attached antenna has to secure appropriate
radio signal level enabling login to GSM network.
The type and placement of antenna has significant influence on module's sender/receiver
circuits. GSM signal level is reflected by value in input register 0x0024. Range of variable is
from 0 to 31 (99 - undefined value). If the value is lower than 40%, installation of antenna
with gain of directional antenna should be considered.