Learning how to get in and out of a wheelchair safely and without injury is most important. Transferring to
and from your powered wheelchair may require practice and a good sense of balance. It is recommended that
whenever possible you have assistance when transferring to and from your powered wheelchair. It is
recognised, however, that situations may occur when assistance is not available. It is desirable to learn and
practice different techniques to accomplish a safe transfer.
Many experienced wheelchair users have developed and mastered their own method of transferring to and
from the chair, resulting in great independence and self-care. Such ability depends largely on the strength of
the individual, their capabilities and the type of chair. No single technique would be practical, or possible, for
all wheelchair users. Safety is the primary consideration in all techniques.
Getting into the wheelchair:
Position your wheelchair as close as possible to your seat. This might have to be done by an attendant.
Switch your wheelchair off.
Apply the hand brake of your wheelchair (if existing).
Detach the side part of your wheelchair or swivel it up.
Now slide into the wheelchair.
Getting out of the wheelchair:
Drive your wheelchair as close as possible to your seat.
Switch your wheelchair off.
Apply the hand brake of your wheelchair (if existing).
Detach the side part of your wheelchair or swivel it up.
Now slide onto your new seat.