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1. Take two ends of exhaust hose and its adapter assembly (as Photo).
2. Put front end of exhaust hose assembly onto jugged position of exhaust outlet of back panel (as Photo).
Remark: Keep the right direction of slant side A of adapter, for ease installation of window seal-plate.
3. Hold the unit by one hand, carry the exhaust hose assembly with another hand and push it into unit gently, for
good lock of two parts. (as Photo)
Keep the right direction of slant side A of adapter, for ease installation of window seal-plate.
Keep exhaust hose assembly be strongly locked by fasteners in exhaust outlet to avoid its fall off.
1.3 Installation of window seal-plate
1) Open the window in half, put the seal-plate into window, determine in vertical or horizontal position according to
window open direction. (As Photo)
2) Extend seal plate parts, adjust it to the length of window and fix it with screws then.
Keep two ends of window seal-plate to meet the window edges well, to assure seal effect.
Fix the screw in good position.
Slant Panel A