Enhanced Mobile Document Imaging (eMDI) User Guide
True or false
Enhances the text in a document image.
Increasing Text Enhancement between black
text and a white background can make text
more readable, but a high contrast level can
induce visual noise. Default is true. If it is set to
false, the application is not able to change the
Text Enhancement setting.
Perspective Correction
True or false
Allows or restricts the user from changing the
Perspective Correction setting. Default is true.
True or false
Corrects the angle in which the document
image is captured. Default is true.
Lighting Correction
True or false
Allows or restricts the user from changing the
Lighting Correction setting. Default is true.
True or false
Corrects lighting in document images where
the edges are darker than the middle. Enable
this to correct non-uniform lighting
conditions. Default is true.
Noise Reduction
True or false
Allows or restricts the user from changing the
Video Noise Reduction setting. Default is true.
Reduces the noise in a document image. The
higher the setting, the higher the filtering. Use
this setting carefully as it may add some blur to
the document image. Default is 0.
Image Rotation
True or false
Allows or restricts the user from changing the
Image Rotation setting. Default is true.
None, 90, 180, or
Rotates the document image when it is
captured. Default is none.
Storage Settings
True or false
Allows or restricts the user from changing the
Storage settings. Default is false.
Folder Memory Limit
True or false
Allows or restricts the user from changing the
Folder Memory Limit setting.
Field Definitions for MobileDocumentImaging_Config.xml (continued)
Field Name
Valid Values
Description or Notes