Example: You would like to run the pump in high speed for 6
hours and low speed for the remainder of the time. Program
a 6-hour event for high speed, and an 18-hour event for
low speed. Do not turn the low speed on manually, and
program a 6-hour event for high speed. The high speed
will not occur.
– (Filter Pump, Aux2, Cleaner Pump) Since the
cleaner pump cannot turn on unless the filter pump has
been on for at least 30 seconds, anytime an ON/OFF
time is programmed for the cleaner pump the filter pump
will come on first and 30 seconds later the cleaner pump
will turn on. Both the cleaner and filter pump will turn off
according to the programmed off time. When programming
an event for the cleaner pump, it is not necessary
to program a separate event for the filter pump, as it will
automatically turn on when the cleaner pump turns on at its
next scheduled on time.
– (Pump High, Pump Low, Cleaner Pump) This
mode is a combination of modes 2 and 3; therefore refer
above to modes 2 & 3 for programming specifics. If the
cleaner pump is programmed to come ON, the control will
turn ON the filter pump to high speed 30 seconds prior
to turning the cleaner pump ON, even if the filter pump is
currently on in low speed.
– (Pump L1, Pump L2, Aux3) The time switch is
a 2-circuit switch with the 1st and 2nd switch controlling a
240V pump where both power legs, L1 and L2, are required
to be disconnected when the pump is OFF. The 3rd switch
is controlling any auxiliary device.
– (Aux1, Aux2, Aux3) Identical to Mode 1, but
provides the ability to run a heater when only the filter pump
is manually turned on. Therefore, the heater will not activate
with the programmed filter schedule.
– (Pump High, Pump Low, Common) Identical to
Mode 2, with the capability to break both hot lines of a 240
VAC two-speed pump connection. Circuit 1 connects the
High line and circuit 2 connects the Low line of a two-speed
pump and a 3rd circuit connects the common hot line. This
mode also provides two-speed pump timing and protection.
Mode 5
– (Pump L1, Pump L2, Aux3) Circuit one and two
are now coupled together making up one circuit capable
of switch both poles of a power source. The On/Off
button for circuit one now controls both circuit one and
two simultaneously. The On/Off button for circuit two
is disabled. Circuit three remains a single pole circuit
for a generic load, and is independent of circuits one
and two.
120V or
240V Load
120V or
240V Load
120V or
240V source
120V or
240V source