IFS NS3502-8P-2S User Manual
Figure 4-4-4:
Detailed Port Statistics Port 1 page screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
Receive Total and Transmit Total
Rx and Tx Packets
The number of received and transmitted (good and bad) packets
Rx and Tx Octets
The number of received and transmitted (good and bad) bytes.
Includes FCS, but excludes framing bits.
Rx and Tx Unicast
The number of received and transmitted (good and bad) unicast
Rx and Tx Multicast
The number of received and transmitted (good and bad)
multicast packets.
Rx and Tx
The number of received and transmitted (good and bad)
broadcast packets.
Rx and Tx Pause
A count of the MAC Control frames received or transmitted on
this port that have an opcode indicating a PAUSE operation.
Receive and Transmit Size Counters
The number of received and transmitted (good and bad) packets split into categories based on
their respective frame sizes.