IFS NS3502-8P-2S User Manual
Figure 4-9-17;
Queuing Counters page screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
The logical port for the settings contained in the same row.
Q0 ~ Q7
There are 8 QoS queues per port. Q0 is the lowest priority queue.
The number of received and transmitted packets per queue.
: Click to refresh the page immediately.
: Clears the counters for all ports.
Auto-refresh : Check this box to enable an automatic refresh of the page at regular intervals.
4.9.15 Voice VLAN Configuration
The Voice VLAN feature enables voice traffic forwarding on the Voice VLAN, then the switch can classify
and schedule network traffic. It is recommended that there be two VLANs on a port - one for voice, one
for data. Before connecting the IP device to the switch, the IP phone should configure the voice VLAN
ID correctly. It should be configured through its own GUI. The Voice VLAN Configuration screen in
Figure 4-9-18