IFS NS3502-8P-2S User Manual
92 SNMPv3 Access
Configure SNMPv3 accesses table on this page. The entry index keys are Group Name, Security Model
and Security Level.
The SNMPv3 Access screen in
Figure 4-3-8
Figure 4-3-8:
SNMPv3 Accesses Configuration page screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
Check to delete the entry. It will be deleted during the next save.
Group Name
A string identifying the group name that this entry should belong
to. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content
is the ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
Security Model
Indicates the security model that this entry should belong to.
Possible security models are:
: Accepted any security model (v1|v2c|usm).
: Reserved for SNMPv1.
: Reserved for SNMPv2c.
: User-based Security Model (USM)
Security Level
Indicates the security model that this entry should belong to.
Possible security models are:
NoAuth, NoPriv
: None authentication and none privacy.
Auth, NoPriv
: Authentication and none privacy.
Auth, Priv
: Authentication and privacy.
Read View Name
The names of the MIB view defining the MIB objects for which
this request may request the current values. The allowed string
length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content is the ASCII characters
from 33 to 126.
Write View Name
The names of the MIB view defining the MIB objects for which
this request may potentially SET new values. The allowed string
length is 1 to 32, and the allowed content is the ASCII characters
from 33 to 126.