Subnet Mask:
Set the wireless IP subnet mask (default255.255.255.0)
Default Gateway:
Set the wireless IP default gateway (default
The user can modify their own (the default test)
can check, the password can be set after checked.
can set password, password can be changed if only checked encryption.
Click on the "Save" button to display "Parameter saved successfully" message, set to take effect
Wi-Fi hot link
Click on the “search” button to search the WI-FI hotspot.
Double-click the dialog box after searched user WI-FI hotspot, and then input password to connect WI-FI. It connected
successfully after shown “successful connect” window.
3) Wireless Wi-Fi login page
If you do not check the above configuration DHCP (automatically obtain IP),then open the browser, enter the wireless
network IP address in the address bar (default,press Enter to log construction; If you checked DHCP, then
you obtain IP automatically, just login specific router or switch user interface settings to view the allocation of IP address.